Book Publishing

Cheriton Graphics  designs, prints and binds books for authors and self-publishers as both offset lithographed editions and demand print editions for smaller quantities. We print and bind both paperbacks and hardcovers. We also can produce ebook versions of your book to meet the standards of today’s demanding markets.

We have produced books and publications in English, French and a myriad of other languages including Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Swahili, Vietnamese, Serbian (cyrillic), and more. 

We work with our sister company, Commoners Publishing on the distribution, promotion, marketing and fulfilment of books published. Contact us to see what we can do for you.

Some examples of books we have published: 



Who do we think we are: Canada’s reasonable (and less reasonable) accommodation debates by Robin Higham   A readable and entertaining short-course for ordinary citizens, non-experts about the challenges and opportunities generated by the arrival in Canada of so many newcomers.      ISBN: 978-0-9813931-1-7 $19.95 distributor’s EAN: 9780889701328                                                 




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